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OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) can negatively affect essentially all aspects of your day-to-day life. If you’re like many others struggling with OCD, you may find it difficult to function doing simple daily tasks, much less working, going to school, and so forth. Here at Sal Psychiatry, we offer many different treatments which can help to lessen OCD, so that you can live a happier, more joy-filled life.

OCD Defined

Simply put, if you’re feeling distressing excessive unwanted urges, fears, obsessions, thoughts, or even images, you have OCD. Left untreated, OCD can worsen. A lifelong disorder for most, OCD’s symptoms as well as their severity can change over time, often worsening in times of stress. Even mild symptoms, however, can take a significant toll on your everyday life, in terms of spending time, draining energy, and more.

Symptoms of OCD

When most people think of “OCD,” they think of someone performing a mental or physical behavior over and over again. That’s one way OCD can manifest. The majority of those with OCD, however, may seem perfectly fine. This can be, in part, due to having discovered ways to hide their symptoms, to adapt, so as not to be judged, punished, embarrassed, and so forth. Whether it’s obsessively worrying about a relationship, fears of getting an illness/making a mistake, compulsively washing one’s hands, tracking body processes such as how many breaths taken/how many times one blinks, etc., OCD is usually about feeling discomforted about tolerating uncertainty. We can help you to find relief from these feelings, so that you can feel not just like “yourself,” but rather, your best self.

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OCD Therapy

Every treatment at Sal Psychiatry is tailored to your specific needs. That way, you receive the best possible treatment for you and your OCD. Psychotherapy has proven to be very successful in helping patients with OCD. For example, many struggling with OCD work with our therapists to recognize distorted thoughts and behaviors. Then, we work with you to find the underlying causes for these. Through this, over time, you’ll be able to develop coping strategies to be able to better manage not just your OCD, but your thoughts and emotions in general.


Telehealth: OCD Treatment Where You Are

As effective as our therapy can be here at Sal Psychiatry, you do not need to be here to receive it. Indeed, our telehealth patients have had great success. We understand that it may not be all that feasible for you to be able to come to us for your treatment. So, our experienced, professional therapists can treat you no matter where you may be. You can receive personalized treatment for your OCD from any location that you feel most comfortable in. We see it as one more way that we can tailor your treatment to you.

Advanced Treatments

Many who come to us for help with their OCD don’t just have OCD. They may also have co-occurring disorders such as social anxiety, ADHD, depression, and others. As such, medication meant to treat one may exacerbate the symptoms of another. Through our medication management treatment, our professional team will make sure that you’re taking the right medication at the time in the right amount so that you can see the best results. 

In addition to that, Sal Psychiatry offers Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. TMS has, for some, been able to improve OCD symptoms. This non-invasive procedure stimulates particular nerve cells in your brain by using magnetic fields. This is not a “first-step” treatment, but it may be able to help if little else has.

Take the First Step

The above treatments are just some of the ways that we may be able to help with your OCD. It’s quite all right if you don’t know which treatment is best for you. When you arrive here, we’ll conduct a thorough evaluation of you, your history, your health, your OCD, and more. With that information, we’ll put together the best treatment plan for your needs. To start the process or to learn more, message us through our site or call. 

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