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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a disorder that can occur in those who experienced or even witnessed a traumatic event, is more common than many think. Combat veterans may be diagnosed with PTSD, yes, but anyone of any age can develop PTSD. Indeed, if you witnessed or experienced an accident, disaster, or other kind of traumatic event, leading to feelings of fear or stress when not in danger, you may have PTSD. At Sal Psychiatry, we can help. Through a personalized treatment plan, we can help you to gain a sense of control over your life and how you want to live it.

PTSD Symptoms

If you feel physically stressed out, on guard, tense, experience flashbacks, avoid places that remind you in any way of the traumatic experience, are easily startled,  have lost interest in activities that you enjoyed, struggle to feel positive emotions, struggle with sleep, engage in destructive behavior, and so forth in the wake of experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, then you very well may have PTSD. It’s worth it to reach out to us here at Sal Psychiatry to see how we can help.

PTSD Therapy

In a one-on-one therapy session at Sal Psychiatry, you’ll be in a safe, welcoming environment with an experienced therapist. You won’t be judged in any way for anything you say or feel. Through this kind of therapy, we’ve been able to help many to recognize the thoughts and behaviors that are holding them back so that they can think better about both themselves and the world at large. Along the way, we’ll work with you to develop the kinds of skills that empower you to be able to address your symptoms. Then, in time, should those symptoms arise again, we’ll teach you the skills to cope with them. We can do this through in-person therapy or through telehealth.

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Dual Diagnosis

Some who struggle with PTSD may turn towards negative, harmful behaviors, such as misusing alcohol, drugs, and so forth. Should that be the case, we offer “dual diagnosis” treatment. With this, instead of treating your substance abuse issues and PTSD separately, we treat them simultaneously. That way, we’re able to treat them both more effectively and with lasting results.

Medication Management Treatment

Many with PTSD take medication for it and related concerns. During medication management, our experienced staff will make sure that you’re taking the proper medications for you at the right times. This way, you don’t experience any side effects that could negatively affect your progress or take something that, in any way, may not be exactly what you need for where you are in your journey.


TMS, (“transcranial magnetic stimulation”) is a non-invasive treatment that sends magnetic waves to the brain in hopes of improving treatment-resistant depression. It has been shown, in some cases, to be able to help with PTSD as well. During a TMS session, one of our experienced technicians will make sure that you’re comfortable in our secure, clinical setting, and then perform this safe, effective procedure. While this is not a “first-choice” option, it might be the right fit for you.


An esketamine nasal spray, SPRAVATO has proven to be highly effective in treating even the most resistant depression rapidly. It could also be of benefit in helping with some PTSD symptoms as well. If this is the right treatment for you, you’ll be watched over throughout the entire process by our experienced staff, to ensure your health and safety.

Lasting Mental Health Improvement

Drawing upon the above treatments and others, we can create a PTSD treatment plan that will meet your needs. If you believe that you have PTSD and want help, we’re here. To learn more or to start the process, call or message us through the site. 

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