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Personalized care to treat addiction and mental health, all while you go home to your bed every night. That’s what our IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) can provide. Using evidence-based treatments, we can create a plan for your exact, specific needs. Then, we implement that plan through intensive sessions while you’re here. After the sessions, you’ll go home to your support system, to your life, all while continuing your recovery journey. When you reach out to us, we can determine if our IOP would be the best fit for your needs.

IOP: Live Your Life While Getting Treatment

One of the most popular benefits of our IOP is that you can continue to work, to go to school, to see your family and friends between sessions. Everyone’s treatment plan differs from another, but, with our IOP, most are here for somewhere between six to nine hours every week. If you’re a good fit for our IOP, you can receive the treatment and care you need without having to spend significant amounts of time away from your life as well as those you count on for support.

How Sal Rediscovery IOP Works

A significant portion of our IOP is therapy. While each treatment plan is personalized for the patent, just about all of them do include individual counseling. There, in one-on-one sessions with our experienced therapists, we’ll work with you not just on your symptoms but on their underlying causes and traumas. That way, you’ll be able to make the most significant and lasting progress. 

Additionally, many also go to group therapy as well. In these sessions, you can learn from others who are dealing with the same struggles as you or similar ones, while strengthening social skills that may have atrophied. Indeed, learning and developing life skills is an important part of treatment here. 

Holistic treatments, such as yoga, art therapy, meditation, and similarly effective therapies may be included in your treatment plan.

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How to Tell If You’re a Good Fit for IOP

When you reach out to us, we’ll conduct a thorough evaluation of your health, your history, and more. Using the information gleaned from that, we’ll help you to find the right level of care and then get right to work creating the best treatment plan for you. 

We’ve found that those who have a supportive home life are often in a good position to start an IOP. Beyond that, you also need to be motivated to participate, to continue on the recovery journey. We can provide you with treatment and therapy, but we can’t do it all for you. So, we have found that an IOP may not be the first for some who, for example, don’t wish to participate in therapy, don’t want to verbally express thoughts, feelings, and so forth. 

If you’re looking to receive treatment while still meeting the day-to-day obligations of work, school, family, and so forth, then IOP can be a great fit. Those who are using medication in regards to a substance use disorder, such as Suboxone, Vivitrol, and the like, often can benefit from the program as well. Many join our IOP after going through our detox, but some do so after having completed inpatient treatment elsewhere.

What You Can Leave IOP With

Many who struggle with their mental health, addiction, and the like, have maladaptive coping strategies. When they’re stressed, something negative occurs, and so forth, their coping strategies often make their situation worse. Here, in our IOP, we can help. We can work with you on so much, not the least of which is to develop better, healthier, and more positive coping strategies. Those are just one of the tools that we can provide you with to better handle your daily well-being.

Rediscover You

For those who are not a threat to themselves or others, our IOP could be a place to continue the recovery journey. It is possible to get help, to be able to live the life you want. Moreover, it’s possible to get help while continuing to live your life today. To start the process or to learn more, you can message us through our site.

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