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If you’ve been struggling with opioid addiction, if your cravings are overwhelming, there is help. Suboxone, an FDA-approved addiction treatment medication, can help you to fight those cravings, to lower the risk of overdose, and to help you to get out of a life of addiction. At Sal Rediscovery, we offer medication-assisted treatment which can include Suboxone. For the best results, Suboxone should be combined with therapy and a personalized treatment plan. We provide all of that integrative care here at Sal Rediscovery.

What Suboxone Does

Simply, Suboxone blocks the effect of opioids. When you use an opioid (oxycodone, morphine, heroin, etc.) they work to relapse endorphins that are similar to feelings of pleasure, all by changing how you perceive pain by activating your brain’s pain-blocking receptors. When you take Suboxone, opioids can’t activate your pain receptors and thus the opioid’s effects are negated. In turn, this not only helps lessen withdrawal symptoms, but it also weakens your cravings, too. 

A Less Habit-Forming Alternative

If you’re like many, you may have heard of Suboxone and thought: “That sounds similar to Methadone.” Yes, there are similarities, but Suboxone was created to be a better, safer alternative to Methadone. For example, studies have proven that Methadone use is more likely to lead to dependency than using Suboxone. Additionally, while you may experience side effects from using Suboxone, Methadone side effects are, on average, more severe.

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Experienced Suboxone Help

Not everyone needing help with opioid addiction is a good fit for Suboxone. However, many will be. When you reach out to us at Sal Rediscovery, we can go over your health, your history, and more, all to determine which treatment is right for you. Should you be a good fit for Suboxone, we can administer personalized treatment and care for your specific needs. To that end, we can help you to manage and even lessen the side effects of Suboxone, (such as dizziness, nausea, insomnia, back pain, tingling, and more) so that you can get the treatment you need in the most comfortable manner possible.

Guiding You Through the Phases Safely and Comfortably

First, we’ll take you through the induction phase. With this, we’ll be able to figure out the proper dose for you, so that you’re always getting the care that’s right for you. On the subject of your personalized care, we also provide therapy for what’s called the “stabilization” phase. In this, we don’t just treat your opioid addiction, but we also treat your person, too. Beyond the Suboxone itself, our experienced team will work with you to determine what are the underlying causes, the underlying traumas driving your addiction. Then, we’ll work with you on managing those so that you’ll be in the best possible position as you go through Suboxone treatment.

Aftercare Options

Should you be a good fit for Suboxone treatment, we’ll support you through it so that, in time, your use will “taper off” and then you’ll no longer need it. That said, we don’t just give you your last Suboxone treatment and then send you into the world. Our integrative care at Sal Rediscovery will help you to develop and strengthen the kinds of life skills that can put you in the best position to avoid relapse and to live healthy and happy without opioid use long after you’re done with Suboxone.

Part of a Personalized Treatment Program

Suboxone can be a powerful opioid treatment, but it may not be the best fit for everyone. For years, we’ve determined what the right approach is for our patients and then we’ve implemented it in such a way as to meet their needs throughout the process. Opioid addiction can feel overwhelming. YOu may feel hopeless. But, that’s not the case. Suboxone may be one method that can help. To learn more and determine if you’re a good fit, message us through our site or call.

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